Social & Inclusion
A joint project between the V–A–C Foundation and the Manege Moscow Museum and Exhibition Hall explores how people with disabilities perceive art and what can help to include them in the contemporary art process
Interdisciplinary study which includes an exhibition, performances, film screenings and open talks. Its aim is not just to discuss how to integrate people with disabilities into the cultural process, but also to form a theoretical basis for artistic practices linked to the topic of disability or aimed at an audience of people with disabilities, and also to find strategies to help make artistic sense of these issues. In addition, the project should also be a step towards creating a truly accessible cultural space, one of the key principles behind the conception of GES-2
Social & Inclusion
Sidur museum
Novogireevskaya str., 37A, Moscow
MEA Manege, V–A–C Foundation
Anna Ilchenko, Yaroslav Aleshin
Peter Mancilia-Cruz, Alex Godovanets
300 sq.m
>80 pieces
Number of exhibits
Peter Tolpin, Ekaterina Yurchenko
Ivan Erofeev
«Each project of the V–A–C Foundation is designed to contribute to the development of a more "adult", more conscious, and therefore more modern society. With the project at the Sidur Museum, we hope to combat the wording about "limited potential", common, but completely unacceptable in 2016. The anticipated restraints are just other possibilities, and they need to be treated as a resource for which conditions must be created. You can’t see the most important things with your eyes. Our perception is so blunted that we are ready to take the boundaries of our horizon for the boundaries of the entire world! Life proves every day that sight and vision are not identical. The real limitation is precisely the lack of vision, and I am deeply convinced that art is able to form it, regardless of any physical attributes»
CEO of the V–A–C Foundation, Teresa Iarocci Mavica
The Vadim Sidur Museum was not randomly selected as the venue for this project: the theme of disability and trauma occupies one of the central places in the works of this sculptor. At the end of the 1980s they brought pupils and graduates of the Zagorsk boarding school for the blind and deaf children to Sidur's atelier and museum. Thus the museum became one of the first Russian cultural institution where people with visual and hearing impairments could become acquainted with contemporary art
Sidur museum axonometry
«Today important collections and discourses of art are not accessible to people with disabilities. It's time to change this situation, and we hope that this project in the museum of Vadim Sidur will begin the next level of public discussion on how to involve challenged people into art»
CEO, MEA Manege, Irina Tolpina
As part of the research part of the project, the Vadim Sidur Museum hosts a series of talks in which Russian and foreign art theorists, philosophers, teachers, psychologists, historians, sociologists, artists and curators take part. They discuss the specifics of working with the topic of disability, the history of its representation in art, the search for alternative forms of understanding it in terms of new artistic practices, as well as the interpretation of this problem in the 20th century philosophy, economics and other contexts
The project also includes two performances by Fayen d’Evie, developed in the course of the artist’s interaction with deafblind people. The joint work of d’Evie along with Australian artist Sophie Takach, Prologue to the Contact with the Works of Vadim Sidur, is an attempt to adjust the mechanisms of the tactile perception of sculptures. And the performance Tactile Dialogue (Collective Action), created together with choreographer Shelley Lasica, is based on the idea of the physical interaction between the artist and participants, which occurs when they explore works of art together
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