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Social & Inclusion
The project demonstrates a new type of relationship between viewers and works of art. The exhibition has become a platform for a collective experience, in which all people can participate, without exception or division based on physical or intellectual characteristics. Experience for which a work of art does not represent a once and for all fixed meaning, but acts as a source of new social situations and equal connections
The gradual overcoming of outdated ideas about the norm and abnormality is closely related to their rethinking in the artistic culture of the twentieth century. In many ways, it was precisely on the territory of modernist art, occupied with the constant development of its own language, the search for new forms, and attempts to invent practices that would open up the possibility of including as wide a range of people as possible, and that type of flexible, critical thinking arose that contributed to a fundamental shift in emphasis in the interpretation of the concept "disability". Today it no longer means “inferiority”, but refers to the problem of material and social barriers faced by a person with disabilities
Social & Inclusion
CVZ Manege, St. Petersburg
Isakievskaya Square, 1, St. Petersburg
MEA Manege, Sidur museum
Vera Reichet
Peter Mancilia-Cruz, Alex Godovanets
800 sq.m
>150 pieces
Number of exhibits
Peter Tolpin, Anna Kaydanovskaya
Ilya Ivanov, Dmitry Kolesov
Temporary exhibition plan
«We would not like to make a reverse distinction when a project is created only for people with disabilities. The purpose of this exhibition is to erase this line, to give everyone the opportunity to come into contact with art»
CEO of the CVZ Manege, St. Petersburg, Pavel Prigara
The overall array of the exhibition is divided into four semantic blocks, which form works created by different authors, made in various techniques and materials. Each of them is devoted to understanding one of the universal registers of human experience. A gallery of faces and portraits is a story about the forms of individual cognition of another. A group of single figures demonstrates various ways of his (the Other’s) social identification: who is he in the generally accepted social coordinate system (gender, age, etc.), what feelings does he experience? Group compositions offer a panorama of different types of human interactions. And finally, the last block is devoted to experiences of reflection and abstract processing of images drawn from outside
Temporary exhibition axonometry
Throughout the exhibition, excursion groups were organized for visually impaired or blind visitors. The staff of the Library for the Blind have prepared special excursions for them: the descriptions of the works do not mention a single color, no evaluative words like “excellent” and there are no usual art criticism references to other works of art - this is a story about sculpture as it is
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